2. Credit Approved Courses

Irrigation Pumps 1- When, Where and How - 1 hour

Format: Recorded Session - available 24/7
Length: 46 minutes

• IA - 1 CEU
• NJ - 1 CEC
• NC Course #12195- 1 Irrigation CEU
• QWEL - 1 CEU

Instructor: Mike Yarussi

Irrigation pumps define the maximum pressure and flow available to an irrigation system. Both of these parameters are essential to efficient irrigation design and troubleshooting sprinkler coverage problems. Unfortunately, it is all too common to use a pump that is available and not the one that is needed to allow the sprinklers to perform properly.

This class (the first of two) will discuss the various applications for centrifugal pumps and explore WHEN it would be best to consider using centrifugal pumps, WHERE centrifugal should be used, and HOW to properly size/select centrifugal to best fit irrigation systems, the performance needs to be efficient.

The follow-up course is “Irrigation Pumps 2 - Proper Planning and Operation”.

Credits: •IA - 1 CEU •NJ - 1 CEC •NC Course #1219...

  • Recorded Presentation
  • Quiz
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever