2. Credit Approved Courses

Getting “Rithms”– Understanding Algorithms Used in Weather-Based Irrigation Controllers

Format: Recorded Session - available 24/7

• IA - 1 CEU
• NJ - 1 WC CEC
• NC Course #12190 -1 Irrigation CEU
• QWEL - 1 CEU

Instructor: Ted Moriarty

Algorithms are used in many aspects of life and work including the creation of some elements used by weather-based controllers. These algorithms affect how a controller adjusts an irrigation schedule to replace the water the plants need. Understanding the way that happens aids the irrigation manager to oversee the accuracy of those adjustments and the efficiency of water being used.

This class will explain what an algorithm is, shed light on the elements of an algorithm used in irrigation controllers, and demonstrate how they apply to weather predictions and irrigation scheduling. It will also cover how to better use site data to increase the accuracy of an irrigation schedule.

Credits: •IA - 1 CEU •NJ - 1 WC CEC •NC Course #1...

  • Recorded Presentation
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever