2. Credit Approved Courses

Converting Conventional Wiring to 2-Wire Control

Format: Recorded Session - available 24/7

• IA - 1 CEU
• NJ - 1 CEC
• NC Course #12191- 1 Irrigation CEU
• QWEL - 1 CEU

Instructor: Donald D. Franklin

The advances to the features and benefits of 2-wire control system vs. conventional wiring have made them the preferred choice for new construction. But what if you are a design-build contractor or irrigation manager dealing with projects built before 2-wire technology was available? Deciding which features are important, how to take advantage of the benefits, or even if the project is viable to convert can be confusing and overwhelming.

This 1-hour advanced technical course will take the mystery out of these issues along with discussing the practical issues facing contractors making the conversion, such as evaluating the existing traditional system, strategies for selecting the components used to make the conversion, and ensuring technicians understand the differences in the installation techniques to ensure a quality 2-wire system.

Credits: •IA - 1 CEU •NJ - 1 CEC •NC Course #1219...

  • Recorded Presentation
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever