2. Credit Approved Courses

Using Technology for Water Management in a Labor Crisis - 1 hour

Class format: Webinar
Class length: 1 hour
• IA - 1 CEU
• NJ - 1 WC CEC
• NCICLB Course #12085- 1 CEU
• QWEL - 1 CEU

Instructor: Brodie Bruner

Labor is the number one resource for any contracting company even when the supply of labor is not scarce. While technology has always been a tool to improve labor efficiency or productivity, understanding how to best apply the technology is a major barrier for many contractors. This is especially true when it comes to water management technology.

This course is designed to help attendees understand the key drivers behind labor, water, and technology. With this understanding, attendees will learn how to apply and execute best practices for labor and water management using cloud-based technology.

Credits: • IA - 1 CEU • NJ - 1 CEC WC • NCICLB Co...

  • Recorded Presentation
  • Quiz
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years