2. Credit Approved Courses

Integrating Rainfall Data into Irrigation Management Course -1 hour

Class format: Webinar
Class length: 1 hour

• IA - 1 CEU
• NJ - 1 CEC
• NCICLB Course #12084- 1 CEU
• QWEL - 1 CEU

Instructor: Keith Schweiger

Knowing how much rainfall was received over an irrigated lawn can be a critical component to increasing the efficiency and conservation of irrigation water. Determining what rainfall data is reliable and relevant for a specific site has always hampered its effective use in managing the irrigation system. Whether the rainfall data comes from the internet, weather stations, or tipping rain bucket devices, the water manager must know it is accurate to apply it to an entire site.

This course discusses real examples and shares some practical experience of using rainfall data to help the stakeholders of a property to choose the solution that best fits the site’s management requirements.

Credits: • IA - 1 CEU • NJ - 1 CEC WC • NCICLB Co...

  • Recorded Presentation
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years